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Commento n. 0173 del 09/02/2020 ore 21:01:17

Das Messer ist heute angekommen. Es ist sehr schön . Dankeschön für die unkomplizierte Abwicklung. Grüße aus Deutschland und nochmals Danke .

Sig./ra M.B, Prenzlau - Deutschland

Commento n. 0172 del 28/12/2019 ore 08:32:54

Antonio, I received the knife yesterday. I am super impressed with the packaging and most importantly with the craftsmanship of the knife. I look forward to ordering more knives from you in the future. Happy New Year

Sig./ra E.M, New York

Commento n. 0171 del 17/11/2019 ore 15:45:48

Problemlose und schnelle Lieferung. Alles total unkompliziert! Sehr ansprechend verpacktes wunderschönes Messer. Total empfehlenswert!

Sig./ra S. VAN HOLT-ABT, Schwarzenbach

Commento n. 0170 del 12/11/2019 ore 08:00:28

Hey - I was checking out your site and I was impressed with your businesses growth trajectory.

Sig./ra David, Bet Shemesh - Israel

Commento n. 0169 del 29/04/2019 ore 22:41:50

Ho preso una pattadese. Molto soddisfatto dell'acquisto

Sig./ra Luigi, Milano

Commento n. 0168 del 17/01/2019 ore 06:19:57

Just opened you very classy knife package....beautiful, thanks so much....

Sig./ra R.B, Usa

Commento n. 0167 del 03/01/2019 ore 12:04:06

Beautiful as always! Excellent gift for my husband!

Sig./ra Valentina, Guilford

Commento n. 0166 del 05/11/2018 ore 07:26:54

ich freue mich,dass die Bestellung geklappt hat.

Sig./ra Andrea Lips, Lemgo

Commento n. 0165 del 30/10/2018 ore 20:51:45

Prodotto conforme alle attese, tempi di spedizione rapidissimi

Sig./ra angelo, ceratti

Commento n. 0164 del 11/10/2018 ore 17:33:04

Molto soddisfatto, massima cortesia e precisione

Sig./ra Mario Fieramonti, Cisterna di Latina (LT)

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